Sunday, November 18th, 2012
San Mateo Marina Lagoon
Final Race Results
Thank you for your patience!
Regatta Photos!
Race Results
Race Times
The Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) is pleased to present our
21st Annual Fall Regatta on the beautiful San Mateo Marina Lagoon. Join us for this
5K head race, over a memorable race course. Boating is from the
Parkside Aquatic Center.
Please save the date and send questions to "
FallRegatta at GoBair dot Org".
Our regatta marks the end of the USRA Fall
racing season in California and attracts a great crowd of rowers and
spectators alike. Over 600 men and women from ages 15 to 70 compete
in about 170 entries in 65 races.

(PDF Sponsor Application)
Fall Regatta FAQ
Spectators and Press
Regatta Team
Past Fall Regatta Final Results