- Done: Bug Out - April 14 and 15: Move shells, racks, and prepare the boathouse.
- Done: Tuesday evening April 17: Move the boathouse contents to containers.
- Done: Stay clear of BIAC on April 28 for safety reasons.
- Done: Starting April 29: We'll move everything back to BIAC.
Morning = Shells and Oars, Tuesday evening = Boathouse.
New Boatyard Layout and Oar and Rack Assignments
- Dumpster(s) were delivered to BIAC on Friday April 13 before noon.
BIAC Bugged Out on April 14. We cleared the yard, packed up the boathouse, and filled the dumpster onthe weekend of April 14 and 15. Here are some photos:
- Containers were delivered to Informatica on Tuesday April 17.
On Tuesday evening, BIAC moved the boxed boathouse into the 40' containers.
- The Haul Out was demo'd on Tuesday (Photos of Kyle's crew: Start, End)
Note in this picture the nice temporary south dock ramp configuration!
- The north Docks fingers were demo'd on Tuesday 4/17 and the compressor removed.
- Demolition of the boathouse interior and oar lockers was done Wednesday April 18.
Plumbing is now being planned for the ADA compliant bathroom/shower replacements.
- Footings will also be poured for the rehabilitated walls and supports this week.
- The new ramp top is being prepared this week too. On Friday (4/20) welding began on the new ramp. This baby will be able to hold a tank (or 2X heavyweights with shells).
- Lumber has arrived for the docks and rehabilitated boathouse walls (4/20).
- Pylon sleeves (one installed) are ready for the rehabilitated Haul Out (4/20).
- One of our Candocks is having a joy ride on the tides while helping us (4/20).
- April 23: Interior framing has started, and real plumbing from ACCO.
- April 25: Painting of the exterior, ramparts completion, ramp top and ramp getting ready, the first float (#11- the ramp float) started, and the boathouse ballet: electricians, plumbers, framers, insulation, and concrete footings!
- April 26: Final exterior paint, JeffB pitching in, the ramp float is almost ready, pylon sleeves are being placed, the boathouse entry is rocked, storage framing starts, and framing and insulation continue.
- The Parking lot was paved Friday April 27 (and so much more happened):
- Framing of the rehabilitated boathouse interior was done the week of April 23-27.
- New north docks and oar lockers were prefabbed the week of April 23-27.
- At risk: We are still working with RWC Planning on the Cover-All footings and fire control.
- April 28 - Photos from Rebuilding Day:
- Finishing up the week after:
- The final product after Rebuilding Day.
Nora Cain and Erik Pearson were our captains to coordinate this huge volunteer effort. You can reach them by email at "Volunteer at GoBair dot Org". Information was also posted here as it became available. Thank you everyone for your help!
We were given the gracious use of three facilities to store equipment and use our shells until April 29. A map of these locations (in yellow) is here:
- The Ferma yard near BIAC to store shells on racks and cargo container storage.
Fences and containers go in on Wed 4/11/07. We have one key only for access.
- Informatica's parking lot (aka 3DO) for cargo container storage and trailer parking.
Note: no fences can be put up here. We have 20+8 parking spaces or an area of about 200 x 20 feet plus 80 x 20 feet. We are likely to put one 40' container here and let the juniors park their loaded trailers here for access to Paly and Stanford docks.
- Sorry: Redwood City (RWC) has not given us permission to use their parking lot at the end of Chesapeake Drive and near Palo Alto's rowing docks (Paly). Paly will let us use their docks (dock times must not conflict with them). Stay tuned.
- The Frey's lot that BIAC already leases is being used to store paddling racks, shells, and equipment. Other BIAC inventory may go here also.
BIAC, NorCal, and Serra tasks to prepare for our Rebuilding Day:
- BoatYard:
- Relocate all shells (rowing and paddling) to Frey's and Ferma. Junior program shells will go on trailers to the Informatica parking lot or other arranged locations.
- Move all equipment (racks, oars, buoys, spare parts, BBQ). Racks go to Ferma, all other equipment goes to containers starting Tuesday evening April 17.
- Move all storage containers (gas, metal, log, lockers, CDBA, etc) to Ferma or Freys.
The cargo container is one exception (it is being reroofed, not replaced)
- Move the oar stand from the dock area to Ferma
- Boathouse:
New: Initially we will move everything on April 14,15 to the NW corner so that interior demo of walls can start on Monday 4/16. Beginning Tuesday 4/17 evening we can move the NW corner to containers at Informatica.
- Clear out the office (records to containers, active office to Maryhelens)
- Clear out the Tool Room (to containers)
- Clear out all coaching materials (NorCal, Serra) to containers.
- Clear out the ergs (to containers)
- Clear out all misc equipment (mats, oars, stereo) to containers
- Clear out weights / benches to containers
- Clear out furniture to containers
- Clear out Tools and materials from north bench area to containers
- Move out all gym lockers to Ferma or containers.
From April 16 - 27 Webcor was doing preparation work for Saturday the 28th such as resurfacing and demolition. They also did some prefab construction in the yard and boathouse interior.
For Webcor to do its best and for us to be safe, we planned to stay clear of BIAC on April 28. BIAC was swarming with over two hundred amazing volunteers.
There was a lot of heavy equipment and choreographed activity from 5:00 am until 3:00 pm. Parking and access to Maple St was restricted on this day. It was a safe and fun day for all.
On April 29 we reopened the boathouse and boatyard for everyone to repopulate and admire Webcor's magic. We vacated our temporary facilities and return all equipment to BIAC. Welcome home and thank you Webcor!
And finally ... a photo tour of the wonderful 'after' Rebuilding Day BIAC facility.
For further volunteer information, please contact "Volunteer at GoBair dot org". If you have comments or contributions you may send them to "Secretary at GoBair dot org". |