The BIAC Board meets once a month at open meetings, usually the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. Additional open and closed meetings are scheduled as needed. Meeting agendas go
out the week before the meeting to the club email list = If you wish to get something on the agenda please contact the Board Secretary/VP at
After board meetings, provisional minutes are posted on the bulletin board in the main hallway at the Center. Final minutes are posted online after they have been approved by the Board. All members are welcome at Board meetings.
Click here for the presentation given at our Annual Meeting in October 2010. Other past BIAC annual meeting presentations can be found on our Minutes page.
Board members serve two-year terms in accordance with the BIAC Bylaws. Our current Board is::
- Pat Worthington (2012-2014): President
- John Young (2012-2014): VP/Secretary
- Cynthia Neuwalder (2011-2013): Treasurer
- Mike Martinez (2011-2013): Director
- Adrienne Moore (2012-2014): Director
Finance and Accounts Payable requests can be made to The form for expense reimbursements, once filled out, can be dropped into BIAC's
black mailbox right inside of the clubhouse door. Dues and other
payments can be made this way too.
Find information here about our Use Permit process and status. Here is our current Use Permit.
Archive: Original Operations Documents for Board use only. Current forms are here.