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BIAC Use Permit - RWC 11-16-07 memo


The comments below were made by the Plan Review Committee (PRC) in regards to your Use Permit application:


§ Planning comments are forthcoming. 


§ The application presents an improvement to the existing building for which there is no permit. The site, being in a flood plain, would have certain requirements in the building for raising the finished floor above the flood plain, or flood-proofing, to FEMA standards. Otherwise we are in violation of our Flood Insurance Program, which could mean insurance for all. Also, we were not able to collect the appropriate traffic impact, sewer service and water fees as would be appropriate for any other facility upgrade per the New Development Ordinance.

§ The new catch basin which was installed per an engineered plan by BIAC's consultant was found not to attach to an existing pipe of any consequence. (The existing pipe was thoroughly deteriorated, and had no operative flap gate).  They need to install a discharge pipe to the creek with a flap gate to protect the area from flooding at high tide.


§ “The interior of the BIAC boathouse was rebuilt during our April 2007 rebuilding Day effort.  The building was gutted to the walls and rebuilt to have all plumbing, electrical, and structural issues up to code.  The bathroom is now ADA compliant.  An upstairs storage area was also restored and made safe for transit and keeping aquatic supplies such as life vests, oars, and office records.”  [excerpt from Use Permit application]

There is no record of any application for the issuance of a building permit for the work done above.  Therefore, there are no records for any inspections of the work performed above.

§ Any change in the original permitted occupancy group or use of the boathouse to a more hazardous occupancy group or use will require, but is not limited to, the following:

1. The installation of an approved automatic fire sprinkler system.

2. Provide fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow.

3. The fire sprinkler system shall be electronically monitored by a central station.


§ Comments forthcoming.

Please note that these comments are preliminary and additional comments will follow.  Moreover, I have not had a chance to review the historical record of this use and recent permits, but I would encourage you to review the PRC summary letter dated June 29, 2004 (I am told that most of the comments in this letter are still applicable) and the original Use Permit (UP2004-43).  I'd like to add that we see BIAC as an asset to the City and the region and will, to the extent possible, work with you resolve all outstanding issues and support this use. 




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