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Volunteer Opportunities at BIAC

As a nonprofit volunteer organization BIAC depends on the contributions of time and energy from members to maintain the boats and the club premises. For an annual paid membership the volunteer requirement is 12 hours per year or $25/hour (up to $300) additional dues.

In addition to scheduled work parties there are a multitude of ways to contribute to the success of BIAC. Consider fullfilling your volunteer requirement from these opportunities:

  • Volunteer Coordinator:
  • Maintain the volunteer hours log and send out special work requests
  • Gardening Coordinator:
  • Organize ongoing weed control crews in the parking, yard, and seawall areas.
  • Dock Repairs:
  • Coordinate crews for repairing and maintaining the ramp and the docks
  • Small Boat Maintenance:
  • Organize work parties to clean and maintain single and double sculls.
  • Yard Maintenance:
  • Coordinate crews for maintaining the racks and oar lockers.
  • Newsletter:
  • Gather content and publish a quarterly newsletter for BIAC.

Got talent? Please contact our "Treasurer at GoBair dot org".

© Bair Island Aquatic Center 2009 - "info at GoBair dot org"