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BIAC Programs - Paddling

Types of Boats

The outrigger canoe program uses OC6's , OC1's, OC2's and surfskis. Practices and races are held inthe ocean, the Bay, and the channels near Redwood City.

The Paddling Seasons

OC-6 (six person outrigger canoe) racing season runs from Apirl to October.  Regatta season takes up June and July, and the remainder is distance races.  Small boats (OC1, OC2, and surfskis) are raced in the winter time


All ages and abilities are welcome. Practice times vary, but are commonly Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings. Juniors Programs begin in September.

Related Links
BIAC Paddlers are affilated with several other organizations. Please see these sites for more information:

Wave Chaser Paddle Series
Northern California Outrigger Canoe Association
Souther California Outrigger Assocaition
Y2Kanu--Hawaii's Online Paddling Resource

Getting Started

Interested in getting started with Paddling at BIAC? Send a message to "info at GoBair dot org"

Spring 2008 Paddling Update

© Bair Island Aquatic Center 2007 -"info at GoBair dot org"