Board Meeting Minutes

February 16th, 2011


Meeting Start time 7:15pm


Attending Board Members: Pat Worthington, Luis Yanez, Chuck Bonnici, and Cynthia Neuwalder.

Attending Members: Claro Arzadon, and Peter Allen


  1. Announcements:
  1. LTR- Dates and Novice moving up dates to be discussed.
  2. SJSU- IT Project
  1. to create electronic documents to share BIAC data
  1. At risk program update-
  2. OC-6 challenege with Redwood City upcoming
  1. Financial Report:
  1. Review monthly financials
            Checking Account: $70,057

Rebuilding Fund: $42,927
Pending deposits: $0
Cash Available: $14,582
Total Cash Assets: $112,984
Delta vs. Fiscal Yr. begin: $14,582+

  1. Budget Approved
  1. Committee Reports:
  1. ROC:         Still reports equipment maintenance  issues. with Adv. Team
  1. RET: No Report
  2. Membership: No Report
  3. Facilities: Adding Google voice number (650)241-8213
  1. Boathouse work day needed. Date tbd.
  1. Communications: No Report
  2. Future Foundation:
  1. Update @
  2. Do we support Saltworks? Unresolved.
  1. Program Reports:
  1. Coaches Report:
  1. Reissue Ginny’s lost checks
  1. Rowing:
  1. Advanced Team: No Report
  2. Intermediate Team: No Report
  3. Novice Team: No Report
  4. Scullers: No Report
  5. RowBair Erg Program: No Report
  1. Paddling: No Report
  2. Dragon Boating:
  1. Exchanging equip. different storage setup.
  1. Public Comments:
  1. Luis/Duncan to conciser more efficient interior layout




Meeting adjourned at 9:35pm