1. All club members and club programs must operate in compliance with these Rules and Regulations and with the BIAC By-Laws.
2. In the event of a conflict between these Rules and Regulations and the By-Laws, the By-Laws will govern.
3. These Rules and Regulations may be amended at any time, with or without notice, by a majority vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors.
4. The current version of these Rules and Regulations will be available to the general membership at all times online at http://www.gobair.org/membership/rules/index.html, and a hard copy will be posted in the lobby of the BIAC building.
5. Violations of these Rules and Regulations may result in disciplinary action by a designated Board Member, Program Leader, Team Captain, or other BIAC designee (each, an "Authorized BIAC Representative").
Membership Forms and Information
1. All members must complete and sign a BIAC Membership Intake Form.
2. All members and guests must read, understand, and sign a BIAC Liability Waiver prior to any use of BIAC facilities or services. Members or guests who are not at least 18 years of age must have their Liability Waiver read, understood, and signed by their legal parent or guardian.
3. Members must notify BIAC promptly of any change in their personal information (e.g., change of address, phone, email, or change in student status). Please inform our President or Secretary.
Membership Dues, Volunteer Requirements
1. Membership dues are $400 per year (if paid annually), or monthly by credit card only with a one-year commitment after the first introductory period. Dues for adults students attending at least 6 units per term (half-time) are $250 per year Student status must be supported by proof of at least half-time enrollment.
2. Dues for new members are due within two weeks of beginning activity at BIAC (or sooner, as directed by individual program leaders). New member dues may be pro-rated, as applicable.
3. Continuing members must pay their dues no later than two weeks after the beginning of the year for which they are due. Credit card members must submit their intentions not to renew in writing 30 days prior to their membership's renewal.
4. All members must satisfy BIAC's annual Volunteer Requirement. In each calendar year, each member must, at his or her election, either: (i) serve 12 hours in service to BIAC, or (ii) pay an additional $25/hour (up to $250) in dues. The Volunteer Requirement is not reduced for students.
5. Any member who does not pay BIAC dues and/or satisfy the Volunteer Requirement promptly will be given notice of the delinquency, and his/her membership will be suspended. If full payment is not made within ten (10) of such a suspension, the delinquent member's membership (and all associated rights) will be terminated without notice.
Use of the BIAC Facility
1. Only BIAC members and authorized guests may use the BIAC facility.
2. All new members must participate in a site orientation (which may include an equipment certification process) led by an Authorized BIAC Representative (e.g. Program Leader) prior to using the facility unsupervised.
3. Guests may use the facility only under the supervision of a current BIAC member and subject to all BIAC Rules and Regulations and the BIAC By-Laws.
4. All members and guests must exercise care and courtesy in their use of the facility.
5. Access to and use of the building and storage lockers is a benefit of membership. Members may have the use of a building key by signing a key agreement and paying a $5 refundable key deposit.
6. The last member or guest to leave the facility must ensure that lights and water are turned off, and buildings and other storage facilities are locked, prior to leaving the facility.
7. All members using the water must sign out and back in using the Log Book in the log shed. Any incidents on or off the water that result in injury or damage must be reported. Please use the Incident Form on this site or copies available in the log shed.
Use of Equipment
1. Only BIAC members and authorized guests may use club equipment.
2. After use, all equipment must be cleaned and returned to its proper storage.
3. Only rowing shells and paddling craft may be launched from BIAC.
4. Coxed sweep and paddling equipment may be used only with the authorization and under the direction of an Authorized BIAC Representative.
5. Blind shells and paddling equipment may be used only by members and guests who have been certified by an Authorized BIAC Representative.
6. Unauthorized use of club equipment is prohibited.
7. Unauthorized use of another's private equipment is prohibited.
1. All equipment (private or BIAC controlled) must be used in a safe manner.
2. In questionable weather, all craft(s) attempting to circle Bair Island must be accompanied by a motor-launch equipped with adequate safety gear and a functioning wireless communication device.
3. Boats launched from BIAC must use proper lighting before sunrise and after sunset, or in weather that affects visibility.
4. No member or guest may launch or remain on the water in unsafe conditions.
Conduct on the Water
1. All boats must be logged out and logged in the designated BIAC Log book. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in a suspension of launching privileges for 3 days. 2. Members and guests must exercise good judgment when negotiating traffic on the water: all boats must obey the "right hand" traffic pattern, and human-powered craft must yield to wind-powered craft.
3. BIAC members and guests must behave in a courteous and reasonable manner, both at BIAC and while representing BIAC elsewhere (e.g. on the local waterways or at regattas).
4. Noise (especially megaphones and CoxBoxes) must be kept to a minimum within 200 meters of live-aboard craft before 7am on weekdays and 8am on weekends.
5. Disputes with other organizations on the water should be referred to an Authorized BIAC Representative. In short, please don't "fight" with other users of Redwood Creek.